Monday, January 1, 2007

New Years Day, 2007

Wow, here we are, a brand spanking new year...2007! I don't know about you all, but I'm still enjoying that fun foggy feeling after my fabulous annual new year's bash last night; complete with kick-ass champagne punch, Blondie style: champagne, brandy, triple sec, Chambord, unsweetened pineapple juice, diet ginger ale (Blondie makes her calories count!); it was smooth and delicious! Quaffing the last drops as I cleaned up, I reviewed my '06 memories. Blondie always reflects after a great party on how fortunate, how blessed she is with her friends and family. My gal pals, my sisters in the hood, my mommy know who you are...I couldn't survive marriage and adolescence with out you!

So, new years resolutions? Have you any? I have so many, too many to say, some too secret to type, some mundane: lose more weight; walk further and faster each day; work harder at my chosen profession; work harder on my own personal projects (Ebay sales, Bar Mitzvah scrap book, mini-scrapbook for my new Aunt Pat, Cousin Don & Betty, Lynne & Lisa); organize my life and work better; start that novel; hang out with my friends more; procrastinate less; use fewer exclamation points! and Blonde Blog More! Write me a comment and tell me yours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog; it is an inspiration for like-minded ladies to just get out there and do it!!!