Monday, November 3, 2008

What a Difference a Year Makes!

Is it possible? Are we really a year on from the mortal bitch slap of breast cancer? Woo hoo! Just as Dr. K. predicted last fall, Breast Cancer is not the #1 topic for me or Princess Di these days!

We've settled into doing our drugs and dealing with the flashes of red hot power that drop upon us unbidden six to ten times a day. Blondie does Tamoxifen; Princess Di does Arimidex...she gets the newer one, the aromatase inhibitors! I get the pine tree derived older drug. When our oncologist, Dr. Roger Lange, (separated at birth from Leon Redbone his twin!) prescribed the drugs for us at our first visit after Nuking at the end of January, Princess Di promptly lost her prescription. Then I got a call to find out I'd flunked the hormone levels test! Apparently, my hormone levels were too high to be considered completely post-menopausal! You sure couldn't tell it by me, frankly, but my body apparently had not yet caught up with my birth certificate.

A year on finds me and Princess Di continuing our Martini Fridays tradition where we wrap up our week over an anti-oxident laden blueberry pomegranate martini! Here's a few of our observations on how where we are and how things have changed after Breast Cancer...

* My New Years party was way more fun and very well attended! I'm hoping for another blast this year!

* My son Dan will empty the dishwasher & sweep the kitchen floor almost without asking.

* My cousin bought me a fabulously warm black coat!

* I'm back to walking w/Ipod and latte way up the bike path at least twice a weekend for 10 miles.

* I spend more time doing stuff that's fun and serenity inducing while practicing saying NO to the other stuff!

* We went to Paris for Feb School vacation. Oooh la la! Was it fabulous!

* I created and update my Facebook much fun you should try it!

* I say the Mi Sheberakh (Misherberach is the Jewish prayer for healing) for any and all my friends whenever they need it...maybe it works maybe not...but why take a chance, eh?

* Princess Di and I laugh more, reach out more, party more, and make each day the gift it's meant to be! Okay, maybe we shopped a little more as well, too!

* I got myself a Blackberry & I love it!

* We know there are sisters on the Breast or Ovarian Cancer journey who are far worse off than we were a year ago! Smug we aren't! Grateful we are, indeed!

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