Thursday, December 28, 2006

A New Year - A New Blonde Blog

So here I am, it's almost 2007, and I've got a million other things I should be doing, though none as interesting to me as getting this blog up and on it's way.

Blondie's Recipe Box is my new platform for: Meditations on
Food, Friendship, Life, Love, Marriage, Motherhood, and Martinis...As Well As Accessories, and the Search for a Wicked Stiff Hair Spray.

Blondie!? I can hear the yelping now. My girlfriends will be way up in my grill over this...why would I use Blondie when all around are having great fun telling blonde jokes? Well, in my whole long blonde life, the moniker Blondie always connoted ditzy. So, just as the lesbians took back Dyke, releasing it from derogatory purgatory; I'm declaring Blondie officially liberated! So, stick around for some blonde fun, whatever your hair color.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been using the recipe search and like it. Ok Cuz, I can swear to the blonde bit, darn it! Always jealouse of the 3 of you (cousins) who got the real blond hair. You forgot to mention that you are the queen of e-bay and I need lessons. Have fun with the site. Love, Gail