Monday, May 21, 2007

Land of the Lazy, Home of the Helpless

Let me just say it here & say it clear...HELPLESSNESS IS NOT ATTRACTIVE OR SEXY! Feelin' me here, boyz?

Blondie's men appear to be suffering from a pervasive, profound, condition of chronic lazy helplessness (CLH)! Blondie's been traveling a bit these last few weeks: two days at a conference in Philly, Chicago for a weekend wedding (Blondie's hubby wasn't up for the fun, alas.) On her next trip, last week, she took an iddy-biddy nycthemeron to her former home, NYC, how she misses it! Upon her return...she discovered not one dish washed, counter wiped, or bed made. And in the case of son-of-Blondie...not one article of clothing remained above floor level!

Coming up is a 10 day conference in Barcelona and the CLH epidemic doesn't appear to be waning! Nor does it augur well for a pleasant homecoming. But Blondie's practicing lowering her standards even further. Believe me, they've eroded DRAMATICALLY since her blissful days of living alone in her NYC co-op. Well I know, it's best not to live in the past...and Blondie is all over planning for her future and the next exciting phase of her life when son-of-Blondie goes off into the greater world of college!

What to do? How to handle it? Should I care? Should I worry that they seem utterly incapable of flushing the toilets on a regular basis, hanging up their clothes, much less washing their clothes for that matter! Where is Mrs. Piggle Wiggle and her wise counsel when I need it? I am in mind of that wonderful AA tenet...change the things you can, invoke a higher power, and let go of the rest...or something like that. I doubt hubby will ever change nor will a higher power intervene in the tidying up of Blondie's abode. But I can hold a little economic sway over son-of-Blondie by incentive-izing him! So that's the strategy for now along with grudging resignation and the backing off of any standards. Advice welcomed! As well as great restaurants in Barcelona.


MaryCO said...

I can relate to the lazy man syndrome!!! Mostly due to an EX-boyfriend, not my current hubby thankfully.
My suggestion would be to hire a professional cleaning crew to come in just before you return from a trip and bill it to your hubby's credit card account. If that doesn't work, you could serve them rice and beans for a week to make up the cost. A little economic incentive never hurts...
You could make a rule that your son's clothes will only be cleaned if he puts them in the hamper. When he runs out of clothes he might start to think about it a little more. You'll be doing his future wife a big favor! I can never figure out why this is such a challenge for many men.
Good Luck XXXOOO

Anonymous said...

Alas, there is no cure for Testosterone poisoning! It is a chronic and uncurable condition. The last time I put my son's closes away or did his laundry was when the almost-perfect son of Red Head had hidden chocolate donuts in his sock drawer to sustain his private ant farm. I will never stick my hand into a drawer used by a y-challenged member of the human race again. I'm told that my scream still echos in Winchester. Since I bought my house in Ayer with my own money, I installed self-closing toilet lids. It amazes me the lengths that workmen and family members will go to just to keep that lid OPEN. They have actually broken 2 lids. The manufacturer honored the warranty but admits that this problem occurs in many households.

