Sunday, January 20, 2008

One in Eight--Update on Blondie's Breast Surgery

September 19, 2007

Hey there,
This is my first email since my lumpectomy surgery this morning after a month long odyssey from a slightly bad mammogram on Aug 24th to the lumpectomy today. I'm home with the boys, in pain but feeling surprisingly better than I thought I would. And if you are just hearing about this for the first time...I'm sorry I didn't call/email sooner. It all happened so fast, and luckily my surgeon was able to do it ASAP, like today!

Luckily, Boston is a great city to be sick in; I found a wonderful surgeon through my BFF Breast Cancer Twin, Princess Di, and so today Dr. Clinton Koufman (my newest BFF and hero) took out the offending lump which is thankfully about the size of an M&M. We are waiting on the pathology report and I hope there won't be any surprises...except good ones. Dr. K says not to I'm heading up to bed to enjoy the pain meds while horizontal.

Thanks for being such great friends & family sending me those good vibes today! I'll write more later.

I head off to Radiation therapy for 6 weeks once I heal.
Sending big hugs to all of you!

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