Sunday, January 20, 2008

Third time's the charm! or You're too Young Not to. . .

October 19, 2007

Third Time?!! You're #$%@& Kidding Me!

Let me explain...Friday Oct 5th I had a second excision as Dr. Koufman calls it. Clear margins are the goal; clear margins means less chance of recurrence; my supremo goal.

Three Surgeries! How this happened was: I showed up on Thursday Oct 11th for my follow-up with Dr. K. to hear the pathologist's report. Well, it seems there were some stray DCIS cells within a millimeter of the margin on 5 of the 14 slides made from the 2nd excision. DCIS is the noninvasive stage 0 precursor to the tumor type I had removed; invasive ductal cancer. So, Dr. K. says "You're too young not to do this..." No problem, he had me at too young! Say it again I asked...I just love it when someone says I'm too young for something.

So, says I, what about that tummy tuck? Clint the K just laughed. Alas, only another excision was on the table. So Wednesday 10/17/07, I had the 3rd excision. This time I have the drill down...only extra strength tylenol and then advil the next day. And it worked! I felt so much better than the last two times...I worked all afternoon from home, and I even walked a few miles later in the afternoon. Or, I could just be used to it?

The next immediate step for me is a visit to my BFF/boy toy, Dr. K. (he just can't keep his hands off my breast!) next Tuesday and hear/see a CLEAR path report! Princess Di and I both have appointments with him then...we really give new meaning to the notion of Bosom Buddies don't we?

I saw my new oncologist Dr. Roger Lange on Friday. I even ran into him at the walk for Breast Cancer two days later! Clearly, he talks the talk and walks the walk! He's a very cool dude...just put a fedora and Raybans on him and he's a deadringer for Leon Redbone! How cool is that!

Dr. Roger sent my tumor to California (think I can get the freq flyer miles?) for oncotyping--a new technology--genetic testing of the tumor cells that should us what the likelihood of recurrence is. Hopefully, these nasty tumor genes' recurrence score will be low--very low and I can get away with radiation and follow-up therapy with an aromatase inhibitor like Arimidex and skip the heavy hair falling out chemo.

Thank you seems so paltry in return for all the support and good vibes being sent my way, especially when I'm not the only one enduring a bitch slap by their mortality. Yet, that's how I feel; everlastingly grateful for each and everyone of you! Know that I'll be there for you when you need it! I've been playing my old Bette Midler CD, the Divine Miss M. with that great song..."Oh, you got to have friends, the feeling's oh so strong. You got to have friends
to make that day last long."

Thank you friends! Thank you, thank you.

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